KKG Marketing Experts

What Is A Marketing Campaign?

A Marketing Campaign is a planned strategy that will promote a specific company, business or association goal and consumer action. It could consist of launching a new product, receiving customer feedback, boosting your BRAND awareness, or simply promoting an upcoming event.

KKG Marketing Campaign

One of our KKG Marketing Experts will meet with a representive from your company, business or association to assess your needs. We can conduct the meeting in person or via video conferencing. After the initial assessment, a KKG Marketing Campaign Plan will be created specifically for your company, business or association. Our KKG Marketing Expert will continue to lead you through your marketing campaign journey until your KKG Marketing Campaign Plan is complete. Our Marketing Campaign focuses on creating your marketing content.


01 — KKG Goal Assessments

We will assess the specific goal(s) you have in mind for your Marketing Campaign. This will be the leading factor to the creation of your KKG Marketing Campaign Plan. Your goal(s) must be measurable, attainable, relevant, and timely.

  • Launching a product or service

  • Increase your BRAND awareness

  • Encourage consumer engagement

  • Promote an event

  • Gather consumer response/feedback

02 — KKG Action Plan

We will create an Action Plan based on the initial assessment of your goal(s). This plan will be the guiding light to accomplish your marketing campaign goal(s).

03 — KKG Branding Plan

Your BRAND is your promise to your customer. It reveals to them what they can expect from your products or services while differentiating your company from its competitors. The face or foundation of your BRAND is your LOGO!

Your company’s website, packaging and promotional products should consist of your company’s LOGO which communicates your BRAND. We will assess your current marketing content and it’s influence on your company, business or association’s branding. We will build a BRANDING Plan to ensure your company’s BRANDING is having maximum influential impact on consumers.

Your BRAND is what other people say about you when you’re not in the room.

~ Steve Jobs

Start BUILDING your BRAND now!